Rights of Neighbors in Islam

Rights of Neighbors in Islam 

People are social lives. From the beginning of creation, humans have been living in unity. When living in a society, there are certainly neighbors. Islam has specifically directed the relationship between neighbors to be cordial, sincere and compassionate. In the life of society, every human being must maintain harmony  with his neighbor and be aware of their rights.

Islam is a system of eternal life. In Islam, every aspect of life is explained, the right and pure direction is given. Similarly, the Holy Qur'an and Hadith have given important instructions about the rights of neighbors. Realizing one's neighbor's rights is part of faith. No true Muslim or believer can hurt his neighbor. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He who believes in Allaah and the Hereafter should not harm his neighbor (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth: 183). Therefore, it is very important for a believing Muslim to be aware of the rights of his neighbor.

Who are the neighbors?

Neighbors are all Muslims, non-Muslims, followers of any religion, good people, sinners, friends, enemies, foreigners, compatriots, benefactors, benefactors, relatives, non-relatives, near or far. It's not just the people next door who are neighbors. Neighbors can be different. If one has land next to the other, they are neighbors. If one's business is next to another's, they are also neighbors. Passengers are also neighbors of each other for some time when going anywhere in a vehicle. Mother Ayesha (R) said, "The inhabitants of 40 houses around your house are your neighbors."

One neighbor has the right to get the best out of another. Once the Companions asked the Prophet, what is the right of the neighbor? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "If he wants something from you, help him. If he needs it, lend it to him. If he invites you, accept it. If he falls ill, go and see him. Join in, if he gets in trouble, calm him down, don't bother him with the aroma of cooking meat in your own pot (because maybe he can't cook meat because of lack) Deliver some meat to his house, do not make the building of your house so high from the building of his house that the air in his house is closed, but with his permission it is different "(Targib).

Rights of Neighbors in Islam
Rights of Neighbors in Islam


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