Al-Qur'an, the Guidance for Mankind

Al-Qur'an, the Guidance for Mankind 

Allah has revealed the Holy Qur'an as a testament to the life and liberation of the people of all lands. In the Qur'an, guidance, mercy and shifa for the entire humanity from the Almighty Allah. It is also a guide to mankind. The Holy Qur'an is the best gift for all the people of the universe, as well as the guidance of the divine welfare and the emancipation of human beings.

The main purpose of the Holy Quran is to guide people to the right path. Moreover, the Holy Qur'an brings honor to the believer in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Qur'an: "I have sent down to you a Book, in which is a reminder for you. Yet, do you not understand?" (Surah Ambiya, verse no. 10)

Also, regarding the main purpose of the Holy Qur'an, Allah the Almighty says: "This is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you as a blessing, so that people may ponder over its verses and so that the people of understanding may understand it." (Surah Chuad, verse 29)

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And I have sent down to you (O Muhammad SAW) this Book only that you may make clear to them that about which they differ, and that it is a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe." (Surah An-Nahl, verse 64)

Source :    Quran is for all Mankind | Al-Qur'an, the Guidance for Mankind  - Islam Live 24 


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