Child in Islam

Child in Islam

Every person in every house on earth wishes to have children. As the presence of the child brings welfare, so does the beauty of the house. Allah Almighty has made human life balanced and attractive through child-satisfaction. In a house where the innocent baby does not have the scum, the beauty and beauty of the house is greatly faded. And to whom Allah has given children, a great responsibility has been placed upon them.

Today's children are the citizens of the next generation. Those who are small today, tomorrow they will be big. In the future they will be the leaders of the society and the state. Therefore, when these children and adolescents grow up deprived of their rights due to disrespect and neglect, extreme unrest and chaos will descend on the family, society and the state in the future.

The child is a special gift from Allah to the world humanity and a symbol of the beauty of the world, the best wealth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and in the Holy Qur'an, children are mentioned as the best of worldly life.

Islam has given many rights to children and adolescents. In order to protect the rights of children and adolescents, about one and a half thousand years ago, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) left a comprehensive policy on the rights of children and adolescents in the noble way of life of Islam. Many more rights are recognized in Islam from their birth to their way of life. Therefore, the Prophet's (peace be upon him) treatment of children and adolescents was more compassionate.

What is meant by child rights?
According to the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the right of a child begins before it is born. Therefore, in Islam, the rights of the child means the rights that continue from the time the child is in the mother's womb until adolescence or childhood. Our responsibility to the child begins when we go to choose a life partner for us. Because children also have the right to have more honest and noble parents; Who will help them develop into truly good people.

Source & More >>>    Rights of Children in Islam, Child in Islam  - Islam Live 24

Child in Islam
Child in Islam


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