
From creation of Adam to Resurrection, there is no greater disaster for the people than Dajjal. Dajjal is a river name. The rivers of this river were dark and very dark. For this, it has been named as Dajjal. Dajjal is a word of darkness. The lieer is called Dajjal to explain this dark condition. Dajjal will be the biggest liar. The Dajjal will be a man. Regarding the identity of the Dajjal, the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned in several hadiths.

Not just Muslims, people of every other religion in the world also believe that Allah gives life. God gives death. But Allah will give this power to the dajjal' for a short period of time to distinguish between the strong and the weak believer.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Look, Dajjal' is not a wrestler. That is wrong. And your Allah is faultless. His eyes will swell like grapes. And on his forehead there will be infidels.

Extremely talented and intelligent Dajjals will ride from one end of the globe to the other, with the mission of destroying the faith of humanity in a fast-moving vehicle. The fear of death will work in him as he rejoices in the success of the loss of man's faith. Those who lose their faith in Allah, those who believe in Him, will be given wealth in the meantime.

Dajjal knows that no ordinary Muslim will be able to kill him.

Source :      Dajjal Story and when will dajjal come?  - Islam Live 24


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