Halal and Haram

Halal and Haram

Two important issues in the Islamic Sharia are halal and haram. Allah has made things halal for His servants, which is not permissible to abandon, and forbids some things. These things are clearly stated in all the heavenly books of the world. Halal in life - Worship is practiced in accordance with the law of haram. Great Allah says, "O human beings! Eat whatever is lawful and good in the earth." [Al-Baqarah 168]

Allah has enjoined upon His servants certain things which it is not permissible to abandon, He has set some limits which it is not lawful to transgress, and He has forbidden some things which it is not permissible to approach. Rasulullah (sm) said- ‘What Allaah has made lawful in His Book is lawful, what He has made unlawful is unlawful, and what He has remained silent about is forgiveness.

Allah has warned those who transgress the limits set by Allah and those who follow the forbidden. He says

‘Whoever disobeys the command of Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits, Allah will admit him into the Fire. There he will be forever. And for him there is a humiliating punishment '(Nisa 14).

That is why it is obligatory to abstain from haraam. The Prophet (sm) said, ‘Abstain from all that I forbid you. And do what I command you. '

Allah has also informed us of the rules on the basis of which Halal and Haram have been determined. He said, "He makes lawful for them what is lawful and unlawful for them" (A'raf 157).

Source :   Halal and Haram in Islam, Qur'an and Hadith about Halal and Haram  - Islam Live 24

Halal and Haram
Halal and Haram


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