Mecca and Medina, Some places reminiscent of Mecca and Medina

Holy city of Mecca and Medina. When the name of Mecca and Madina heard the hearts of the believers became overwhelmed. Historical reasons Mecca and Medina are very important. Especially, these two cities are very respectable and sacred to Muslims.

The Prophet's milkmother is the home of Hazrat Halima Sadia (RA). A common house in the tribe of Banu Saad and a well near it are reminiscent of the beloved Prophet (saw). Halima Sadia (ra) - it is fortunate that she gave milk to the Prophet Karimi. Rahmatul Lil Alamin woke up in a gray and dead palm garden in the auspices of the green.

Jabal Noor, located near the Ka'bah house in Makkah, which is known as the Mount of Hera - is where the Holy Quran begins. The first five verses of Surah Alaq are first revealed

'Jabale Sauer' is a place of remembrance of the emigration of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). During the migration, the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq stayed for three days and three nights. It is here that Abu Bakr (RA) patted his foot on the snake's hole for the safety of the beloved Prophet (PBUH) and did not rest even on the snake's bite, but was unsteady to hear the enemy's footsteps.

Kulsoom ibn Haddam (ra), the chief of the tribe of Amr ibnu Auf, welcomed the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) three miles away from Medina. Prior to entering Madinah, the beloved Prophet stayed here for fourteen days. Here the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) started building a mosque. This 'Mosque in Cuba' is the first mosque built by the beloved Prophet (saw).

After two weeks stay in the mosque of Jumia Kuba, the beloved Prophet (s) left for Madinah. On the way, his camel stopped in the area of ​​the Bani Salam tribe - where the first Zuma prayers were performed in the Khutba and Imam of the beloved Prophet. A memorial of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) was erected at the mosque at this place.

Sahl and Suhail Balakwad, a landowner, are close to the house of Hazrat Abu Ayyub Ansari. This is where the mosque is built.

One of the most famous monuments of his beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) is his 'Rawatul Athar' or 'Holy Tomb.'
One of the most famous monuments of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) - the Rawatul Athar
The unanimous unanimous consensus of the Ummah was: 'The best and most prestigious place on the earth after Baitullah is the Rowjatul Athar or the holy tomb.

Religious Muslims yearn for a time in life, even though Roza Sharif can speak in Ziaar; "Assalamu Alaika Ya Rasulullah."

Because, dear Prophet (saw) himself said, 'It is my duty to intercede for anyone who will visit my grave.

 Source & More >>>     Makka Madina  - Islam Live 24

Mecca and Medina
Mecca and Medina


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