Men and women are partners with each other

Male and female society. The world does not go on without men - it is not without women. Imagine there is not a single woman in the world, only men and men, how will that world be? There is not a single man in the whole world. Only women, then or how? How will the next generation be born?

The great God created men and women before the creation of the world. Hazrat Adam (A) and Hazrat Eve (A). And both of them are human beings. No one is the Lord. One is their Lord. However, the love and affection between them created them and gave them mercy. Like a friend, they began to walk each other. Together they built a beautiful family, society and a beautiful world. In this context, Surah An-Nisa's verse 5 says, "O human race! Fear your Lord. He created you from a single soul. And from that life created his twin. Then many men and women spread from all over the world.

Adam and Eve were husband and wife. Their physical structure, mind, and mental state are completely different. Women hold children, give birth, drink milk and nurture. Women have been created accordingly. Men can not be useful even if they try hundreds. Again, the physical structure of a man or the ability of a woman can not be male, despite the efforts of hundreds. The alteration of this creation is impossible.

Now the question may arise about the workplace or profession of men. It is a matter of the mind. No work is trivial or negligent. A housewife or mother has to give dignity to what she does in the world. He is not a house servant. He owns the house. It is his responsibility. If he does not perform this duty, then the society of the world will become obsolete. Men make money by working outside. This means that the wife spends for the family. If anyone does not evaluate this work of the world, he is foolish. He who is unable to mate with his wife is extremely stupid and damaged. It is impossible for him to find peace.

In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has used the sound of words in relation to husband and wife. Which means partner or partner. That is, one partner of another. The wife is not the husband's maid. The husband is not the master of the wife. In fact, if you want to make the relationship beautiful, you have to develop a beautiful mindset.

Human society is a society full of women and men. Men and women are partners with each other. In the language of Allah, the pair or partner. In the present world, there are many disruptions in human society that result from hostile or vengeful behavior rather than the mutual affection of women and men. In this regard, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave a realistic advice with a small hadith. The Hadith has been narrated in Sahih Bokhari and Muslim Sharif, narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah. He said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that he would try to treat women well. Wish good behavior through good advice. Because women were created with curved bones. If the creation of God does not move this nature at its own pace, then he can try to prevail. If you try to straighten it, it can break or you will break. And if you let him keep going like that, his curvy situation will continue forever. Therefore, they will behave well with women, through good advice. '

The real and self-fulfilling pursuit of this hadith can lead to, and may continue to be, male and female relations. It is never possible to create good relations by creating hatred. A balanced family and social environment is essential for the progress of human development. Lack of this environment not only destroys family and social peace - future generations also fall under the guise of unjust unrest. And to create this environment both men and women need faith in God, constant faith and following Allah's command in all situations.
Men and women are partners with each other
Men and women are partners with each other


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