Rights of Others in Islam

Rights of Others in Islam

Severe punishment for those who do not protect their deposits, cheat people, take away the rights of others. One of the characteristics of a Momin servant is that he will be trusted. the Prophet (peace be upon him) was virtuous. Dear Prophet (peace be upon him) was a depositor from an early age. The Jew was no longer a Christian; all the doctrines believed him and kept him valuable furniture. Because of the faithfulness of the Prophet, everyone called him Al-Amin. Which means a trusted person.

Allah has honored mankind by protecting their dignity and rights. Not just in life; Rather, he has been given dignity after death. Of the five basic tenets of Islamic law that Islamic jurists have identified, four are related to human worldly rights, honor and dignity, and apply to all human beings in general. That is, the preservation of religion, the preservation of life, the preservation of honor, the preservation of wealth and the preservation of lineage. (Tawdiul Ahkam Min Bulugil Maram: 1/44)

All people are respected

This honor and dignity of mankind is universal. Every human being is equal in terms of basic respect and rights whether he is a believer or an unbeliever. The description of the Holy Qur'an also proves that 'common respect is for all people'. Allah says, "I have honored mankind, I have given him dominion over land and water, I have given them good sustenance and I have given them superiority over many of His creatures." (Surah Bani Isra'il, verse: 70)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also respected people irrespective of religion, caste and creed. It is narrated in the hadith, ‘A corpse was being carried by the side of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He stood up. He was told the body belonged to a Jew. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'Is he not a human being?' (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth: 961)

Everyone is equal in fundamental rights

Just as Allah did not differentiate between believers and unbelievers in the verses on human dignity, it did not distinguish between the verses on fundamental rights. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And do not kill him whom Allah has forbidden except for a just cause.” (Surat al-An'am: 151)

On the basis of these verses, Islamic jurists say, ‘People are inherently honorable. So it is not lawful for any other human being to insult him, to do injustice to him, to deprive him of his rights, to dishonor him. We must ensure justice for all.

Everyone has the right to life

Allah has given special status to the blood and wealth of Muslims. But it has given all people the right to live a safe life. The Holy Qur’an compares the life of one man to the life of the whole of mankind, saying, ‘Whoever kills a man without the responsibility of killing people or wreaking havoc on the earth, he is killing all people. Whoever saves the life of a human being, let him save the life of all human beings. '(Surat al-Ma'ida, verse 32)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “It is more serious for Allah to kill a Muslim than to destroy the world.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, hadeeth: 1395)
Rights of Others in Islam
Rights of Others in Islam
Source :    Rights of Others in Islam, He is not a Believer, That Spoils the Rights of Others  - Islam Live 24


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