Society | Family

Society | Family

Islam is the chosen religion of Allah the Great for all mankind. Through this whole life, one surrenders himself to the Almighty Allah. Islam ensures the overall security of society. Islam has created a heart-to-heart relationship by eliminating the violence, hatred, strife, etc. of the society. And that is why Islam as the only religion has been able to guarantee human rights, civil rights, justice, rule of law, education and medical accommodation.

"Society" and "family" are probably the oldest institutional forms in human history. The foundation of the social system has been built on the foundation of the family system. From this point of view, society and family are an integral part of human life. Many aspects of Islam have been described centering on these two institutions.

Islam and Socialism:

Islam believes in a single socialism, but being separated from the basic teachings of Islam has created inequalities among people at different times. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

O people! Be careful of (your duty to) your Lord, Who created you from a single being and created you from two of them, men and women; (Surat an-Nisa ': 1)

The verses that give us the idea are:

1. Allah Ta'ala is the Lord of all mankind, not any particular nation.

2 All human beings are the children of Adam and Eve. So there should be equality between them.

Human brotherhood in Islam:

Society is built on the basis of human brotherhood. Therefore, it is necessary to know the view of Islam in this regard. When Allah Ta'ala called mankind to guidance in the Qur'an, His calling word was "O all human beings". That is to say, he did not create inequality or racial division among the people but bound them all in the same brotherhood and made them all equal. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself established the social system on the basis of human brotherhood. The appointment of the Abyssinian slave Hazrat Belal (ra) as a muezzin and the acceptance of Salman's advice proves that Islam does not believe in any racial distinction.

Source & More >>>     Islam and society, The Role of Islam in Social Peace and Security. - Islam Live 24

Society | Family
Society | Family


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