
Pillars of Islam.

Pillars of Islam. The Pillars of Islam are five . One of these five issues is to become a believer by becoming a human being through true acceptance of one's verbal beliefs, beliefs and actions. Hazrat Abu Abdurrahman Abdullah bin Omar bin Khattab narrated from Radiullah Anhu, saying, "I have heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say that Islam has been laid on five poles." To testify that there is no god except Allah And Mohammad  (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah. Establish prayer, collect zakat Doing Hajj in the house of Allah and fasting during Ramadan. [Bukhari and Muslim] Allah Almighty has revealed the Qur'an as a way of life to conduct all activities from birth to death for the welfare of human beings. In this Qur'an, there is a discussion of various human issues from the beginning of the world to the Resurrection. Numerous events and issues including history and tradition have found a place. Moreover , many restrictions have been revealed ...

Society | Family

Society | Family Islam is the chosen religion of Allah the Great for all mankind. Through this whole life, one surrenders himself to the Almighty Allah. Islam ensures the overall security of society. Islam has created a heart-to-heart relationship by eliminating the violence, hatred, strife, etc. of the society. And that is why Islam as the only religion has been able to guarantee human rights, civil rights, justice, rule of law, education and medical accommodation. "Society" and "family" are probably the oldest institutional forms in human history. The foundation of the social system has been built on the foundation of the family system . From this point of view, society and family are an integral part of human life. Many aspects of Islam have been described centering on these two institutions. Islam and Socialism: Islam believes in a single socialism, but being separated from the basic teachings of Islam has created inequalities among people at differen...

Rights of Parents in Islam

Rights of Parents in Islam The honor and dignity of the parents is undoubtedly top of the earth. Every man owes his parents to his existence after the great creation. The task of the children is to perform the duties and responsibilities of the parents with all the commandments of Allah, the Allah Creator and Lord.  Allah said, "Serve God, do not associate anything with Him, and treat your parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, the nearest neighbor, the distant neighbor, your spouse, the traveler, and your subordinate slaves, for Allah loves that person." No, that's arrogant, Neglected and arrogant. (Surah An-Nisa: 36) There are so many descriptions of the rights of parents in the Qur'an and Hadith that it would be a huge book to describe them all. So some of the descriptions are mentioned so that we can understand how important the rights of parents are. Al-Quran: Say: Come, I will recite to you that which your Lord has forbidden to you. That is, do not a...

Child in Islam

Child in Islam Every person in every house on earth wishes to have children. As the presence of the child brings welfare, so does the beauty of the house. Allah Almighty has made human life balanced and attractive through child-satisfaction. In a house where the innocent baby does not have the scum, the beauty and beauty of the house is greatly faded. And to whom Allah has given children, a great responsibility has been placed upon them. Today's children are the citizens of the next generation. Those who are small today, tomorrow they will be big. In the future they will be the leaders of the society and the state . Therefore, when these children and adolescents grow up deprived of their rights due to disrespect and neglect, extreme unrest and chaos will descend on the family, society and the state in the future. The child is a special gift from Allah to the world humanity and a symbol of the beauty of the world, the best wealth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and in the H...

Rights of Neighbors in Islam

Rights of Neighbors in Islam   People are social lives. From the beginning of creation, humans have been living in unity. When living in a society, there are certainly neighbors. Islam has specifically directed the relationship between neighbors to be cordial, sincere and compassionate. In the life of society, every human being must maintain harmony  with his neighbor and be aware of their rights. Islam is a system of eternal life. In Islam, every aspect of life is explained, the right and pure direction is given. Similarly , the Holy Qur'an and Hadith have given important instructions about the rights of neighbors. Realizing one's neighbor's rights is part of faith. No true Muslim or believer can hurt his neighbor. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He who believes in Allaah and the Hereafter should not harm his neighbor (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth: 183). Therefore, it is very important for a believing Muslim to be aware of the rights of his nei...

Husband and Wife relationship

Husband and Wife relationship The family begins with marriage. And the husband and wife relationship is a very important relationship between the people and the relationship between them The relationship is also very important. Through the husband and wife on earth It is through marriage that both men and women live in a single stream. We often think that there is no such thing as love in Islam, we will just live like a robot with our eyes closed. In fact, it is not correct, but our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) loved his wives very much. There was no lying , arrogance or obscenity in love, love was sacred which is ideal for us. He said, "You will not enter Paradise unless you are believers, and you will not be believers until you love one another." Husband and wife love in Islam What should be the relationship between husband and wife? Marriage Therefore we understand that love is a sign of faith. However, here are some examples of how much the Pr...

Halal and Haram

Halal and Haram Two important issues in the Islamic Sharia are halal and haram. Allah has made things halal for His servants, which is not permissible to abandon, and forbids some things. These things are clearly stated in all the heavenly books of the world. Halal in life - Worship is practiced in accordance with the law of haram. Great Allah says, "O human beings! Eat whatever is lawful and good in the earth." [Al-Baqarah 168] Allah has enjoined upon His servants certain things which it is not permissible to abandon, He has set some limits which it is not lawful to transgress , and He has forbidden some things which it is not permissible to approach. Rasulullah (sm) said- ‘What Allaah has made lawful in His Book is lawful , what He has made unlawful is unlawful, and what He has remained silent about is forgiveness. Allah has warned those who transgress the limits set by Allah and those who follow the forbidden. He says ‘Whoever disobeys the command of Allah and H...