Pillars of Islam.

Pillars of Islam. The Pillars of Islam are five . One of these five issues is to become a believer by becoming a human being through true acceptance of one's verbal beliefs, beliefs and actions. Hazrat Abu Abdurrahman Abdullah bin Omar bin Khattab narrated from Radiullah Anhu, saying, "I have heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say that Islam has been laid on five poles." To testify that there is no god except Allah And Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah. Establish prayer, collect zakat Doing Hajj in the house of Allah and fasting during Ramadan. [Bukhari and Muslim] Allah Almighty has revealed the Qur'an as a way of life to conduct all activities from birth to death for the welfare of human beings. In this Qur'an, there is a discussion of various human issues from the beginning of the world to the Resurrection. Numerous events and issues including history and tradition have found a place. Moreover , many restrictions have been revealed ...