
Showing posts from April, 2020

Rights of Parents in Islam

Rights of Parents in Islam The honor and dignity of the parents is undoubtedly top of the earth. Every man owes his parents to his existence after the great creation. The task of the children is to perform the duties and responsibilities of the parents with all the commandments of Allah, the Allah Creator and Lord.  Allah said, "Serve God, do not associate anything with Him, and treat your parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, the nearest neighbor, the distant neighbor, your spouse, the traveler, and your subordinate slaves, for Allah loves that person." No, that's arrogant, Neglected and arrogant. (Surah An-Nisa: 36) There are so many descriptions of the rights of parents in the Qur'an and Hadith that it would be a huge book to describe them all. So some of the descriptions are mentioned so that we can understand how important the rights of parents are. Al-Quran: Say: Come, I will recite to you that which your Lord has forbidden to you. That is, do not a...

Child in Islam

Child in Islam Every person in every house on earth wishes to have children. As the presence of the child brings welfare, so does the beauty of the house. Allah Almighty has made human life balanced and attractive through child-satisfaction. In a house where the innocent baby does not have the scum, the beauty and beauty of the house is greatly faded. And to whom Allah has given children, a great responsibility has been placed upon them. Today's children are the citizens of the next generation. Those who are small today, tomorrow they will be big. In the future they will be the leaders of the society and the state . Therefore, when these children and adolescents grow up deprived of their rights due to disrespect and neglect, extreme unrest and chaos will descend on the family, society and the state in the future. The child is a special gift from Allah to the world humanity and a symbol of the beauty of the world, the best wealth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and in the H...

Rights of Neighbors in Islam

Rights of Neighbors in Islam   People are social lives. From the beginning of creation, humans have been living in unity. When living in a society, there are certainly neighbors. Islam has specifically directed the relationship between neighbors to be cordial, sincere and compassionate. In the life of society, every human being must maintain harmony  with his neighbor and be aware of their rights. Islam is a system of eternal life. In Islam, every aspect of life is explained, the right and pure direction is given. Similarly , the Holy Qur'an and Hadith have given important instructions about the rights of neighbors. Realizing one's neighbor's rights is part of faith. No true Muslim or believer can hurt his neighbor. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He who believes in Allaah and the Hereafter should not harm his neighbor (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth: 183). Therefore, it is very important for a believing Muslim to be aware of the rights of his nei...

Husband and Wife relationship

Husband and Wife relationship The family begins with marriage. And the husband and wife relationship is a very important relationship between the people and the relationship between them The relationship is also very important. Through the husband and wife on earth It is through marriage that both men and women live in a single stream. We often think that there is no such thing as love in Islam, we will just live like a robot with our eyes closed. In fact, it is not correct, but our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) loved his wives very much. There was no lying , arrogance or obscenity in love, love was sacred which is ideal for us. He said, "You will not enter Paradise unless you are believers, and you will not be believers until you love one another." Husband and wife love in Islam What should be the relationship between husband and wife? Marriage Therefore we understand that love is a sign of faith. However, here are some examples of how much the Pr...

Halal and Haram

Halal and Haram Two important issues in the Islamic Sharia are halal and haram. Allah has made things halal for His servants, which is not permissible to abandon, and forbids some things. These things are clearly stated in all the heavenly books of the world. Halal in life - Worship is practiced in accordance with the law of haram. Great Allah says, "O human beings! Eat whatever is lawful and good in the earth." [Al-Baqarah 168] Allah has enjoined upon His servants certain things which it is not permissible to abandon, He has set some limits which it is not lawful to transgress , and He has forbidden some things which it is not permissible to approach. Rasulullah (sm) said- ‘What Allaah has made lawful in His Book is lawful , what He has made unlawful is unlawful, and what He has remained silent about is forgiveness. Allah has warned those who transgress the limits set by Allah and those who follow the forbidden. He says ‘Whoever disobeys the command of Allah and H...

Importance of Honesty

Importance of Honesty Honesty is one of the best qualities in human character. Honesty is one of the virtues of human honesty. Its necessity is immense in human life. Protecting integrity and achieving integrity is the best worship for a believer. It is the duty of every Muslim to be careful in harvesting honesty and faithfulness in life, because honesty and truthfulness are another characteristic of haunting Akhala. Maintaining honesty and achieving honesty is the best work for a believer. Honesty lies in the honest nature of human beings or honest behavior or truthfulness. It is said in the Holy Qur'an that Allah will question the truthful and pragmatic people about their truthfulness and reality. We can make real life better through honesty . People are endowed with the virtue of honesty and attain a high position in the society. The brightest example of honesty is our Hazrat Rasool Maqbool. In busy life we ​​see the wonderful glory of honesty. During his stay in Makkah...

Reward of Patience in Quran and Hadith

Reward of Patience in Quran and Hadith Patience is the key to success.  One of the good qualities of a character is patience and endurance. The success of the patient is assured, because Allah is with the patient; And Allah The success of the Rabbul Alamin is with him. Through patience, faith are strengthened. The pursuit of human character is the key to Islam. I will certainly test you with something or other - Al-Baqarah 155 There are some verses in the Qur'an that remind us of the reality of life. There are some verses that show us with our fingers: how we put our own lives in trouble. And there are some verses that give us the strength to overcome all the sorrows, hardships, fears and smiles of life. I will definitely test you with something  Allah will test us with something in this world. There is no doubt about this. He has said this twice in Arabic. In some cases, the test may be to lose a job, to live a life of hardship. In some cases, parents, husbands, wiv...

Prophet Muhammad Quotes about Child

Prophet Muhammad Quotes about Child  Islam urges to develop the child as a real human being with affection and care. So that they can become real people and good citizens and work for the welfare of the country and the people. But looking at the news pages and the media, it can be seen that the rate of child abuse has increased in our country. Many children in poverty are deprived of access to education. In the pursuit of life, they work in the homes of the rich. While working , they are often subjected to demonic abuse at the hands of housewives or others. Many of them died again. In fact, Islam is not limited to certain customs and cultures . Rather, Islam contains a thorough description of every aspect of life. Islam speaks of the rights and duties of rich, poor and all classes of people, big and small. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also urged people to show love and affection towards children, saying, "Anyone who does not show affection for ...

Rights of Others in Islam

Rights of Others in Islam Severe punishment for those who do not protect their deposits, cheat people, take away the rights of others. One of the characteristics of a Momin servant is that he will be trusted. the Prophet (peace be upon him) was virtuous. Dear Prophet (peace be upon him) was a depositor from an early age. The Jew was no longer a Christian; all the doctrines believed him and kept him valuable furniture. Because of the faithfulness of the Prophet, everyone called him Al-Amin. Which means a trusted person. Allah has honored mankind by protecting their dignity and rights . Not just in life; Rather, he has been given dignity after death. Of the five basic tenets of Islamic law that Islamic jurists have identified, four are related to human worldly rights, honor and dignity, and apply to all human beings in general. That is, the preservation of religion, the preservation of life, the preservation of honor, the preservation of wealth and the preservation of lineage. (Taw...

Women's Rights in the Qur'an

Women's Rights in Islam  Islam guarantees the right of women. Islam has given the highest honor and security of women's lives and property. Islam has provided them security, taken care of their dignity, guaranteed their welfare.  The various verses and hadiths of the Qur'an contain clear descriptions of women's rights, dignity and their evaluation. The world has opened all sorts of paths for them to succeed in the Hereafter. Islam has ensured a beautiful and happy life for them. Islam has given due respect to the role of women . With a little analysis and research, we will see how Islam has elevated the status of women as mothers, wives and daughters, or as professionals and in other fields. 1. Respect for motherhood:  Capitalist society has not given any respect and dignity to women's motherhood. And Islam has made women as mothers the most respected. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Paradise for the child under the fee...

Al-Qur'an, the Guidance for Mankind

Al-Qur'an, the Guidance for Mankind  Allah has revealed the Holy Qur'an as a testament to the life and liberation of the people of all lands. In the Qur'an, guidance, mercy and shifa for the entire humanity from the Almighty Allah. It is also a guide to mankind. The Holy Qur'an is the best gift for all the people of the universe, as well as the guidance of the divine welfare and the emancipation of human beings. The main purpose of the Holy Quran is to guide people to the right path. Moreover , the Holy Qur'an brings honor to the believer in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Qur'an: "I have sent down to you a Book , in which is a reminder for you. Yet, do you not understand?" (Surah Ambiya, verse no. 10) Also, regarding the main purpose of the Holy Qur'an, Allah the Almighty says: "This is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you as a blessing, so that people may ponder over its verses and so that ...

Islamic Way of Life

Islamic Way of Life In order to achieve success, Allah has laid down a rule for the way of life of the people, and that is the rule of Islamic life or religion. Allah has kept human happiness, peace and prosperity in both worlds by living according to the only Islamic way of life. Not in anything else. Therefore, for the success of both worlds, one has to live according to the Islamic way of life. Which can be called a full-fledged Islamic life . The life of a Muslim is twenty-four hours of worship. When a Muslim performs all his business twenty-four hours a day in accordance with the commands of Allah and the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), all his worship will be acceptable to Allah. Islam is a peaceful way of life. Even before the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Allah Almighty has perfected this religion for the Muslims . Islam has provided perfect provisions in every aspect of life from birth to death. From the birth of ...

Humanity In Quran

Humanity In Quran  Islam is the only religion for the good of humanity on earth. Islam is the only religion in the world where the welfare of humanity is considered so important. Allah says, and in their wealth is the right of the beggar and the deprived. (Surah Jariyat-19). Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) was the epitome of kindness and greatness. Khaybar was conquered in the sixth Hijri. In the ninth Hijri, when the Arabian Peninsula was loyal to Muslims. He has passed away all the time when huge wealth is transmitted from all around. The easiest and shortest way to attain Allah's mercy, blessings and rewards is to extend a hand of goodness and benefit towards Allah's creation, especially towards human beings. There are innumerable hadiths that mention unimaginable rewards and dignity for all kinds of human service. In another Hadith ,  the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Abdullah is narrated from Ibn' Umar. He said that the Prophet (peace and bl...

Islam in the Fight Against Terrorism and Militancy

Islam in the Fight Against Terrorism and Militancy Islam dose not like terrorism and militancy. Islam is the religion of peace. There is no place for terrorism and militancy in Islam. People of every country will live together irrespective of religion. . Every person will observe his own religion, and do not prevent anyone from celebrating religion. Islam's law is tough against terrorism. The fact that Islam never supports terrorism or militancy can be strongly stated. In the Holy Qur'an-Hadith, the clear declarations on this subject have been presented in a beautiful and simple manner. Islam is the religion of peace: Islam is the religion of peace. Islam has been established for peace, human welfare and humanity . Islam teaches people to be real people. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called for peace, welfare and humanity in the world. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) preached Islam by giving religious invitations. He was able to attract people to Islam ...

Islam religion

Islam religion Islam means - self-surrender, obedience, obedience etc. Islam has come to human welfare and to release humanity. In Islam, there is a realistic solution to all the problems of human life. Islam is a monotheistic religion . Guided by the Qur'an, it is a book that its followers consider to be the word of Allah, and the teachings of Islam's main prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are based on the way of life, which is called "Sunnah and Hadith" . Followers of Islam consider Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be the last prophet. The word Islam means surrender or submission to a single creator. Many believe that Muhammad (pbuh) is the originator of this religion. However, according to Muslims, he is not the originator of this religion but the last and final messenger of the Prophet sent by Allah.  In the seventh century, he re-propagated this religion. The Holy Quran is the main text of the religion of Islam. Believers in this religion are called Mus...

Terrorism and Militancy

Terrorism and Militancy Religion is the main metal of the word 'silam', which means peace. Islam is the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of humanity, Islam welfare and Religion of Peace It is forbidden to hurt anyone in this religion. The teachings of Islam are, that whatever non-Muslim should be, it should be understood clearly by the way of the religion. Nobody can be brought to the path of Islam forcibly. Islam is a religion of peace that does not teach someone to do exaggerated things in any case. Islam always teaches the use of mediocrity. Islam has been forbidden to kill anyone unjustly. People are called social beings. The element of sociality is creatively in human beings. In all respects no one has been given absolute and sovereign power. In terms of rank, people have to become dependent and oriented. Yet people ignore the elements of socialism and become antisocial. In the two worlds of power, in the ideological warfare, people are engulfed in conflict wi...

Khalifa, Caliph, 4 Khalifa of Islam

Khalifa, Caliph, 4 Khalifa of Islam khalifa arabic words The meaning of the word caliph is the heir, the representative, the army chief. The khalifa is the Islamic religious and political leader, and the descendant of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). Many people consider Khalifa as representative of Allah. An important and widely discussed chapter in the Khulafa . The rule of the four Caliphs closest to the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been mentioned in the history of Islam as Khulfa Rashidin. The Khulafah Rashidin was called the most enlightened and golden time in the history of Islam Abu Bakr's identity: A prominent Companion of Muhammad (PBUH), one of the first Caliphs of Islam and one of the first Muslims. He was given the honor of first embracing Islam among adults. He was also the father-in-law of Rasul Muhammad (PBUH). After the death of Rasul Muhammad (PBUH) he became Caliph and led the Muslims. Hadrat Omar's identity: His personal name was 'Uma...


Dajjal From creation of Adam to Resurrection, there is no greater disaster for the people than Dajjal. Dajjal is a river name. The rivers of this river were dark and very dark. For this, it has been named as Dajjal. Dajjal is a word of darkness. The lieer is called Dajjal to explain this dark condition. Dajjal will be the biggest liar. The Dajjal will be a man. Regarding the identity of the Dajjal, the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned in several hadiths. Not just Muslims, people of every other religion in the world also believe that Allah gives life. God gives death. But Allah will give this power to the dajjal ' for a short period of time to distinguish between the strong and the weak believer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Look, Dajjal ' is not a wrestler. That is wrong. And your Allah is faultless. His eyes will swell like grapes. And on his forehead there will be infidels. Extremely talented and intelligent Dajjals will ri...

History of Karbala

Karbala is the name of a city in Iraq. At that place, the youngest son of Ali and Fatima (R), the grandson of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), was martyred in Imam Hussein (A) 61 AH. When the word karbala heard the heart cried. Today it has been around 14 centuries, yet the memory of the events of Karbala . did not even span. Because he is such a one The person is the center, whom Allah has made the leaders of Heaven . Both Mu'awiya and Mughirah were respected companions. Since they were not prophets or messengers, they were not above wrong in the natural cause. But their mistake has wound up, bloodied and tarnished the history of Islam. It was by no means possible for a believer like Imam Hussein to disrupt the regime of the Yazid Islamic regime. The revival of the Khilafah system was the main goal of Imam Hussain's struggle. He also had the support of a large number of people from the Muslim world. Many people want Hussein (RA) as the Caliph. He also reported it ...

Shab E Miraj | Practice of Shab E Miraj

Meaning of the word Meraj is going upward. Meraj in Arabic means stairs. In Persian it means ascend to the world of the upper world. Merajs have special significance in religion in Islam. On the night of Shaber Meraj, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ascended in a miraculous way and met with Allah. The most exciting event in the life of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) is' Mi'raj . No prophet other than the greatest Prophet of all time, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), could receive this absolute good fortune. And that is why he is the greatest prophet. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said that in this night , Nafl would worship and fast during the day. (Ibn Majah). Prayer is the best of worship; Therefore, the best of nafl prayers is nafl prayers. Day and night are better for worship. Narrated from Hazrat Ali (RA), the Prophet Karim (peace be upon him) said that when this night comes, you should spend the night in worship and fast during the day; Because, ...

Shab E Barat, Importance of Shab E Barat

Shab e barat' is celebrated on the middle of the month of Shaban. The Muslim Ummah's night of prayer is 'Shab e barat '   Night prayers, recitation of the Qur'an, recitation of Zakir, prayer etc. Many hadiths have been mentioned about the virtues, reward and welfare of Shabe Barat. In one hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "On the night of mid-Sha'baan, that is, on the 14th day of Sha'ban, Allah sees the mercy of the Creator and forgives all except the idolaters and the haters."  But some people are deprived of the night's bounty and blessings. On this holy night, the doors of mercy and forgiveness are closed for some people. One. Polytheists (who associate others with Allah). Two. Violence-malicious. Three. Robber Four. Disobedient children of parents. Five. The unjust killer. Six. Genie-adulteress Seven. Dispersion of kinship. Eight. Wearer under the ankle Not. Addicted to alcohol (Shu'a bul Eman ) There is no specific wo...

Mecca and Medina, Some places reminiscent of Mecca and Medina

Holy city of Mecca and Medina. When the name of Mecca and Madina heard the hearts of the believers became overwhelmed. Historical reasons Mecca and Medina are very important. Especially, these two cities are very respectable and sacred to Muslims. The Prophet's milkmother is the home of Hazrat Halima Sadia (RA). A common house in the tribe of Banu Saad and a well near it are reminiscent of the beloved Prophet (saw). Halima Sadia (ra) - it is fortunate that she gave milk to the Prophet Karimi. Rahmatul Lil Alamin woke up in a gray and dead palm garden in the auspices of the green. Jabal Noor, located near the Ka'bah house in Makkah , which is known as the Mount of Hera - is where the Holy Quran begins. The first five verses of Surah Alaq are first revealed 'Jabale Sauer' is a place of remembrance of the emigration of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). During the migration, the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq stayed for three ...

Men and women are partners with each other

Male and female society. The world does not go on without men - it is not without women. Imagine there is not a single woman in the world, only men and men, how will that world be? There is not a single man in the whole world. Only women, then or how? How will the next generation be born? The great God created men and women before the creation of the world. Hazrat Adam (A) and Hazrat Eve (A). And both of them are human beings. No one is the Lord. One is their Lord. However, the love and affection between them created them and gave them mercy. Like a friend, they began to walk each other. Together they built a beautiful family, society and a beautiful world. In this context, Surah An-Nisa's verse 5 says, "O human race! Fear your Lord. He created you from a single soul. And from that life created his twin. Then many men and women spread from all over the world. Adam and Eve were husband and wife. Their physical structure, mind, and mental state are completely different. Wom...

Islam and life

The main goal of Islam is to provide a fulfilling life provision for people. As Islam does not despise anyone, it does not neglect any of the human activities. In fact, its purpose is to coordinate the activities of the people. All its behaviors are mainly concentrated on the body and the soul. According to the laws of God, life is guided by the rules of the world, and the moral character of the world is pure and pure. Likewise, what we call spiritual pursuits has material benefits. The principles of spiritual or worldly work originated from a common source and are the Qur'an. The Quran is the word of Allah. Both the spiritual and the cosmic are fulfilled and essential developments come through the word imam. In Islamic terms, the Imam (the superintendent of the Muslim state) does not simply mean the prayer of prayer inside the mosque. He is also the leader of the Muslim state. The Hadith Shari'ah contains the explanation that the Prophet (peace be upon him) has given abo...